Water Quality Sampling Report for 2001



Site 3

Site 4


Site 6

Site 7

Site 8

Site 12

Site 13

Site 14


TC 489

TC 55

TC 28

TC 39

TC 25

TC 94


TC 52

TC 177


EC 49

EC 0

EC 0

EC 5

EC 3

EC 0


EC 5

EC 22




TC 350

TC 188

TC 182

TC 79

TC 94



TC 559


EC 87

EC 3

EC 3

EC 0

EC 0

 EC 3


EC 5

EC 102



TC 2424

TC 1370

TC 1038

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 2424


TC 2424

TC 2424


EC 240

EC 46

EC 3

EC 5

EC 8

EC 3


EC 0

EC 3



TC 2424

TC 76


TC 289

TC 619

TC 156


TC 510

TC 794


EC 62

EC 5

EC 0

EC 5

EC 22

EC 3


EC 13

EC 16



TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 375

TC 2424

TC 2424

TC 90

EC 28

EC 5

EC 3

EC 22

EC 22

EC 2

EC 3

EC 16

EC 33

EC 0


TC 2424

TC 375

TC 489

TC 451

TC 255

TC 451


TC 418

TC 510


EC 233

EC 19

EC 28

EC 22

EC 11

EC 5


EC 5

EC 3



TC 2424

TC 1370

TC 2424

TC 307

TC 233

TC 2424


TC 794

TC 2424

TC 94

EC 94

EC 5

EC 0

EC 3

EC 3

EC 3


EC 33

EC 13

EC 0

Site 1 Sequin River Mouth
Site 3 West end Menominee Channel
Site 4 Seven Mile/Nutter Bay
Site 5 South end Kineras Bay
Site 6 North end Redner Bay

Site 7 Seven Mile Narrows - control
Site 8 Transfer Station/Devil's Elbow
Site 12 Five Mile Bay/Squaw Channel
Site 13 Mouth of Bourne River/Two mile Narrows
Site 14 Victoria Island/Parry Island

The TC numbers indicate the most probable number of colony forming units of coliforms per 100 ml sample.

Coliform bacteria are introduced for the most part by warm blooded mammals. A moderate amount of total coliforms is considered a normal background level.

The EC numbers indicate the most probable number of colony forming units of E. Coli per 100 ml sample.

In this area E. coli is introduced almost entirely by human activity. Its presence usually indicates the presence of other serious pathogens.